All prices in Australian Dollars (AUD). All prices are inclusive of GST, any purchases made outside of Australia will have GST removed at the checkout. Item/s will be shipped from Australia approximately a week after purchase. Please note while we make every effort to ship items as quickly as possible, sometimes there are delays. You can email for an update on your shipment, or to request tracking information for your item/s.
Please note:The items are being shipped from Australia, so local taxes, customs charges and other fees may apply when shipping internationally. Customers are responsible at the receiving end for the payment of any local taxes, customs charges and other fees that may apply. Item/s will be shipped from Australia approximately a week after purchase. Please note while we make every effort to ship items as quickly as possible, we sometimes experience delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Delivery dates vary due to delays from the covid-19 pandemic, which is outside of our control. We can be contacted via email for parcel tracking information so you can track your order online.
**Please note we cannot guarantee delivery times or dates - this is out of our control. We can provide tracking information for you for your parcel once we have shipped/posted it, but delivery dates including overseas delivery dates are not within our control.
Please note:The items are being shipped from Australia, so local taxes, customs charges and other fees may apply when shipping internationally. Customers are responsible at the receiving end for the payment of any local taxes, customs charges and other fees that may apply. Item/s will be shipped from Australia approximately a week after purchase. Please note while we make every effort to ship items as quickly as possible, we sometimes experience delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Delivery dates vary due to delays from the covid-19 pandemic, which is outside of our control. We can be contacted via email for parcel tracking information so you can track your order online.
**Please note we cannot guarantee delivery times or dates - this is out of our control. We can provide tracking information for you for your parcel once we have shipped/posted it, but delivery dates including overseas delivery dates are not within our control.
For any enquiries about merchandise or completed orders please click here.